Splasheroo - Ondemand Car Wash

App development, Service

Domain: Service

Project Overview

Splasheroo is an on-demand car wash booking system designed to offer convenience and efficiency to vehicle owners. The platform allows users to schedule car washes directly from their smartphones, choosing from a variety of service providers within their vicinity.


Ensuring reliable scheduling and availability matching in real-time. Integrating multiple service providers onto a single platform, Maintaining a high standard of service quality across various providers.

Solutions Implemented

Scheduling System: Developed a dynamic scheduling system that updates in real time, ensuring customers and service providers can manage appointments efficiently.

Provider Integration: Implemented a multi-tenant system that allows various service providers to offer their services through the platform, complete with profiles and user ratings.

Quality Control: Set up a feedback and rating system that helps maintain high service standards and encourages excellent customer service.

Our Approach

The project was initiated by mapping out the essential functionalities required for an on-demand service platform. This included user interface design focused on ease of use and minimal steps to book a service. The development followed an agile methodology, allowing for rapid iterations based on user feedback collected during the pilot phase.

The Result

Splasheroo has transformed the way car owners access car wash services, providing a seamless, hassle-free experience.

Technology Used

The platform utilizes technologies such as React for the frontend, Node.js for the backend, and MongoDB for the database. Integration of Google Maps API facilitates geo-location services.

Project Duration

4 months

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